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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Parts and Piecies

Have you ever pieced a quilt and had all of your pieces ready to sew together then......have to put it away because of other obligations (Christmas got in the way). You pull it back out to finish it and find a square is missing. You search and search and can't find it and want to get it finished take a row away.
That is what I had happen with this quilt. I used three of the blocks and made a little wall hanging so not all was lost.
I added two borders (larger than originally planned) to make it the size I needed. I framed this quilt in red then went with a green print with Santa all over it to finish it off. Now to find a cute Christmas print for the back
Oh, before I forget. I want to thank Barbara Sindlinger for taking the time to let me watch over her shoulder while she made feathers. I am practicing Barbara and want to thank you again. I will watch over your shoulder any time you will let me. Thanks.

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