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Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Have been working on charity quilts

The two guilds I belong to both make charity quilts. They go different places. Women's shelters, veterans hospital, child protective services, police departments, sheriff departments etc. You get the idea.

To me making charity quilts has a double meaning. I can give back to my community and I can practice doing different quilting stitches.

Sometimes I pick up kits that the different guilds provide and sometimes I get stray blocks from others to make the quilts.

If your family is like mine, you can't put anything new out without getting the O.K. from the pets in the household. Here is Molly and Squirt giving their o.k. for this quilt passing the softness test. What would I do without them.

Squirt deciding this quilt passes the test.

Of course Molly could not be left out. She has to join in the test taking. This one is flannel so she really liked it.

Baby panel. Oh so sweet.

Left over blocks.

Sometimes they make the best quilts.

I have a few more to complete but need to find some bindings.

Happy quilting, Paula

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you Paula for your time in working on these projects. You are a tremendous asset to both guilds.
