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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The saying goes, the third time is a charm. Well, that is not how this story goes.

Our County fair was last month, and I was pressured (lol) by my friend Brenda to enter quilts into the fair. I really did not have anything I felt was quality enough but......she insisted. She even had the entry forms for me and made arrangements to take them to the fair and bring them home. How do you say no to that?

I had finished quilting my Christmas Stack and Whack earlier this year. It was the first quilt I have tried quilting custom. Every block was quilted differently. It took me forever (it seemed like it was forever). This is my favorite stack and whack quilt. I really liked how it turned out.

Anyway as the story goes, I won a blue ribbon for the quilting. I was very very excited as I had never ever entered anything let alone win something. Yes, I was proud.

There were tons of beautiful quilts there. The grand winner (I think that is what it is called) was by a sister guild member Diane Mitchell and the quilt was breath taking. When I grow up I would like to quilt like her.

This was my second entry. It also won for the quilting. I am still in shock. You can't tell from the photo but the rain drops have beads on them. That was also my first attempt at beading.

So two quilts entered, two quilts that won. I could not be more pleased.

Sandy, I posted this post just for you so now you can quit bugging me.

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Quilting, Paula

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